Gift the Power of Choice: $200 Gift Cards for 200 Families
All donations to support Farm to Food Pantry Program
$13,385 raised
$40,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Power of Choice. Food Security. An Experience for Everyone.
Dear Friends,
Amber Waves donates farm fresh produce weekly to our local food pantries. We are excited to expand on this existing work by giving families the power of choice outside of what’s given to them by food pantries. By giving families prepaid cards to use in our market, families have the opportunity to shop and meet their specific needs. This is the time of year where families need our help the most.
Please join us in addressing food insecurity on the East End this spring. Your contribution will keep fresh food on our community’s tables. Will you help us feed our local families?
Farmers Feeding Families: $200 for 200
OUR GOAL: Fundraising to support 200 families with $200 gift cards to Amber Waves.
TIMELINE: Thru May 1, 2023
Example: Your donations will help provide a prepaid card to Amber Waves Market for a family in need.
Donations can be accepted online or in person. If you prefer to make a pledge, offer a matching donation, send a check, or receive ACH details, please contact Claudine Nayan, Director of Development at
Amber Waves delivers food weekly to 250 families to our local food pantry partners.
The Power of Choice
Justice in food access must incorporate the power of choice. All eaters must have options that are relevant to them and their families. The cards will give recipients reliable access to food of their choice including: fresh season vegetables, groceries, kids favorites, homemade baked goods, holiday treats and more.
The Experience
By inviting families to shop at our farm and market, they will also have access to fun educational opportunities by exploring the fields, participating in our free community events, and learning about our community’s rich heritage of agriculture. Everyone deserves the opportunity to know and understand their vegetable source.
Food Insecurity
We all have neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity. Food access becomes difficult this time of year for many families due to the East End’s seasonal economy. Food pantries across the board continuously experience shortages of fresh food, particularly nutrient-dense vegetables due to their perishability.
Thank you!
Wishing you and your families an abundant season.
Amber Waves is a 501(c)3 non profit organization.